Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE

Principal Investigator

Phone: (973) 596-5520 
Fax: (973) 596-5790
Email: wen.zhang@njit.edu

Office Location: Colton Hall 211

Find us on the map: 

 Wen's Research Group​

Explore the Nano World 

Our NJDEP project continues to explore the use of a multifunctional boat to mechanically remove harmful algae in NJ lakes and mitigate bloom impacts in the summer.

Dr. Zhang’s team at NJIT works with MERI Team to learn the operation of this boat and adjust key parameters to optimize the processes such as flocculation and air-flotation. The photos show the boat is run on Hackensack River, NJ. Photo taken by Emilia Lorenz.